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Если ropa не хочет прийтИ к МагомСту, то Магомет должен пойтИ к горе 11 При выполнении поставленных задач приходится потрудИться Или идтИ на жСртвы.

Hangman. Don't see any sign of Regan. Jenkinson. He's probably had to go on duty. You've left it too late. Hangman. Well, if the mountain won't соте to M'ammed then M'ammed must go to the mountain. (Behan)

Well, you know the one about Mahommed and tЬе mountain ... If spelling won't change, as it probably won't, those of us who consider ourselves poor spellers will have to. We'll just have to get up and go to the mountain. (Lewis)

"I'm glad I haven't got to go back there," said Victoria. "I pretended to Ье brave just now -but really I'm scared stiff. Only if I don't go to the Olive Branch, how сап I get hold of Edward ?" Dakin smiled. "lf Mohammed won't come to tЬе mountain, the mountain mast come to Mohammed. Write him а note now ... " (Christie)

When, therefore, in June 1 900, he went to Paris, it was but his third attempt on the centre of civilization. This time, however, the mountain was going to Mahomet, for he felt Ьу now more deeply civilized than Paris, and perhaps he really was. (Ga/sworthy)

We could fake some letters from the out-of-town people, how they've starved for good theatre, et cetera. Like if tЬе theater will not go to the people, the people will still go to tЬе theater. (O'Hara)

Sorry to bother you on а Saturday, old man. But I know you were here, so I brought round tЬе okl mountain to Mahomet. Now look here, Manson. I've heard all about the operation yesterday and I don't mind telling you I'm darn well glad. It's about high time you had an inside slant on dear friend Ivory. ( Cronin)